November 2021 | Issue No. 8

November 2021 | Issue No. 8

How Does Looking Back Support Moving Forward?

A couple of years ago, my dear friend, Claudia, and I participated in a workshop where we learned about the wisdom and benefits of living in alignment with the four seasons. Take winter, for example. Winter is marked by cooling, if not outright freezing, temperatures in certain places, shorter days and longer nights. It is a time of shedding leaves and inner growth for trees and plants and hibernation for certain animals. Similarly, for us humans, it is a time of introspection and examining where we’ve been and where we want to go. It is time to reflect on our past year and use it to fuel our vision for the year ahead. More specifically, in addition to expressing and experiencing gratitude in November, this is also the ideal month to review our core values and revisit the results and victories, gifts and insights from the last ten months. Having a clear understanding of where we’ve been provides a firm foundation from which to identify our vision, goals and objectives for the next year.

Before I knew about living in harmony with the seasons, I used to take myself through an introspective process using a list of questions given to me by a friend many years ago. But I usually did this at the very end of the year. Instead of waiting to do the entire process and feeling the urgency to get it done, Claudia and I have chosen to make November our month to reflect and December our month to envision and dream. We continue to work with these thought provoking questions because they allow us to sink more deeply into ourselves and reflect on our lives in a way that supports our personal growth. In case you’re wondering where you might find such a worksheet, look no further. We decided sharing is better than keeping such a gem to ourselves so we hope you find it useful in creating the happiness and success you seek.

Questions for Past Year Reflections and New Year Desires for 2022

1. What has been the underlying, unifying theme of your year? 2021 has been the year of…

2. What are 8 of your greatest successes and miracles of 2021?

3. What was a key challenge of this year and what did you discover about yourself in meeting this challenge? What gifts were received?

4. What three people had the greatest impact in your life this year? What has their presence stimulated and awakened in you?

5. What are three key lessons you’ve learned through your experiences in 2021?

6. What are some of the most joyful moments of 2021?

7. What “risks” (taking action in the presence of fear) did you take this year? What was the outcome? What did you learn about yourself in taking these risks?

8. In what key ways have you been of greater service to your family or community this year?

9. What are the greatest blessings of 2021, i.e. those people, gifts, experiences, conditions, and insights that fill your heart with gratitude?

10. As you stand upon the firm foundation of all the learnings, growth and insight of 2021 , what wise counsel would you give yourself as your move into the New Year, 2022?

CORE VALUES: Core values are authentic guiding principles that surface from deep within you and direct your vision, mission, goals, choices and behaviors. They also serve as an unwavering guide or compass in assessing whether you are on your right path at any given moment, fulfilling your core desires.

As you look back on your year, what have you come to deeply value? List your top 5 Core Values:






In December, we will be looking at applying your insights, lessons, gifts and Core Values from 2021 to your Core Desires for 2022.

In the meantime, happy reflecting!

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