Once You’ve Established a Clear Vision, What’s Next?
A clearly articulated vision – one that has been written down – provides us both with the focus needed to keep us on track. There are too many unknowns that can surface during this process to not have laser focus on your vision. Once we’ve established this, it’s time to get strategic and map out a plan to get you where you want to go.
Steps 2 and 3 in our Visioning Process are Creating the Plan and Gathering Support. Oftentimes these two can be addressed in one sitting. At other times we may separate them depending on the complexity of one’s move and financial situation.
This is where we discuss everything that’s on your mind from how to prepare your home for market to how to finance your new home purchase.
his is also a great opportunity to “download” your worries, concerns and fears about your move. Taking a deeper dive here will allow us to address them up front so they don’t become a problem later.
And because buying or selling a home should not be done in a vacuum, we will ensure that your financial, estate and tax plans are sensibly in place.
Our goal is to make sure that any decisions you make around your real estate are done so in the context of your larger life vision, goals and objectives.
Once we have considered the financial, tax and estate consequences of your move – and written them down for you – we prioritize them together based on urgency and proper sequencing. The last thing we want to do is put the cart before the horse! During this process we identify who will do what, by when, and the costs associated with certain tasks. If appropriate, we will also create a budget for you so that you can track the expenses associated with your move both for your own decision making and tax purposes.
The culmination of steps 2 and 3 is an interactive action plan complete with due dates, assignees, notes and budgets.
I learned this visioning process during my training as a life coach over twenty years ago and have been using it with my clients for years. It is tried and true, and I love how it allows me to best support my clients in feeling clear, empowered and at peace with their choices.