Who’s Our “Socially Responsible Business” of the Month?
An interview with Monica Lenches, Realtor
CR: What inspired you to start a socially responsible business, and what does it mean to you to be a Socially Responsible Realtor?
ML: Actually, it didn’t start out that way 30 years ago. It was a progression. Every time life presented me with a challenge or a hardship, I saw it as opportunities to learn something about myself. Some of these lessons then turned into deeply held values that I also wanted to apply to my business. These values are my North Star for making choices that align with my vision for the kind of world I wanted to live in.
But it was really these last few years that deeply affected and motivated me to want to do more. And that’s when I met you! Remember, we couldn’t stop talking about the importance of certain values and wanting to make a difference. You were in the middle of rebranding Estetica Mia as a values-driven socially responsible business, and I got inspired to do the same. So the first thing I had to do was define for myself what I mean by that. To me, a socially responsible Relator is values driven, process oriented, client centered, relationship focused and collaboration minded.
CR: What are your business’s core values?
ML: In order for us to move towards our vision of creating a kinder world, we have six values that guide our actions. 1. It starts with kindness. 2. It requires integrity. 3. It champions environmental and social change. 4. It means quality over quantity. 5. It takes a village. And 6.It inspires gratitude.
CR: As a Realtor in a strictly service-oriented business, how do you operationalize those values?
ML: Kindness is at the heart of how we do business. We believe in win-win negotiations and treating everyone with dignity, respect and kindness. And integrity is non-negotiable for everyone on our team. Without honesty and transparency we cannot do our best work for our clients.
I also can’t imagine creating a kinder world without promoting social justice and environmental protection. For this reason, we actively support causes that do exactly this. In addition to organizing fundraisers, donating to non-profits and growing our Kinder World of Commerce campaign, there are other creative ways we try to do our part. For example, I recently sold an out-of-state piece of property so that I could bring those dollars back to Santa Barbara and invest them in our own community. I am also in the process of obtaining my Green Designation from the National Association of Realtors which will allow me to educate our clients on the benefits and features of building green.
We also choose quality over quantity which means we limit the number of clients we work with at one time. This allows us to give our clients our undivided attention. And while the saying “it takes a village” may be overused these days, it accurately reflects the importance we place on making sure our clients feel fully supported throughout the entire real estate process. We do this by engaging the best service providers we know and actively collaborating with our client’s team of advisors.
CR: In our recent interviews, we’ve asked owners of socially responsible businesses this same question, and I’m realizing that not everyone may be familiar with the practice of “operationalizing values”. Can you explain what we mean by that?
ML: Good point, Claudia. It’s not like we knew what that meant just a few short years ago! Operationalizing your values means putting your values into action. It means walking your talk and taking the time to consider the consequences of your actions. And if the consequences negatively impact your employees, a community and/or the environment, you reconnoiter and make adjustments to eliminate or reduce those negative impacts.
I think it’s so very important to understand that businesses that choose to operate in this way do so because they are sincerely motivated to make their greatest contribution to their communities and/or the world. They actually want to take care of their employees and minimize their impacts on the environment. And, while there may be opportunities costs associated with doing business in this way, these values-driven companies see these trade-offs as worthwhile and non-negotiable. I can’t tell you how inspired and hopeful I feel every time I meet a business owner who chooses to live and work in this way. It’s humanity at it’s best!
CR: I’ve heard you talk about a unique process that you take your clients through. Can you walk us through that?
ML: The Total Real Estate Experience is a 4-step process that starts with a vision. In this initial step, I spend 1-3 sessions with clients helping them get clear about their purpose for making a change and then creating a clear vision for the home they want to live in. To me this is a vitally important step because the right home can provide the ideal environment for rest, supporting their ideal lifestyle and expanding their ideas of what’s possible in their lives, thereby, deepening their impact in the world.
In step two we create a plan with action items, due dates and budgets, if needed. And once we have our plan in place, we identify the support needed to successfully carry it out, i.e. the financial advisor, CPA, estate planning attorney, various inspectors, and tradespeople, etc. Vetting the real estate plan with your team of advisors is important because buying and selling a home should not be done in a vacuum. This is a life-size decision that can have irreversible consequences for one’s financial and estate plans and ideally should be made in the context of longer-term life goals. With the vetting behind us and the full support of our client’s advisors, we are ready to move forward with step 4: Launching the Plan. This is where it all comes together, and we start to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The more planning and preparation we do, the greater the chance for a successful outcome and an easier, more efficient process.
CR: I would imagine that for anyone who believes buying and selling a home is about more than just maximizing profits or finding a place to live, this can be a deeply rewarding and memorable experience.
ML: Yes, that is my hope and vision for my clients.
Monica & Claudia
Monica Lenches is a veteran Realtor with Coast & Valley Properties, a locally owned boutique company. If you would like to receive her monthly newsletter, “What Matters”, a monthly curation of Kindness, Community, Vision & of course….Real Estate, email her at [email protected]. She can also be reached at (805) 689-1300.