December 2021 | Issue No. 9

December 2021 | Issue No. 9

Interested in Voting With Your Dollars This Holiday Season?

The Pandemic. The Shutdown. The Insurrection. The Great Resignation. Over 700,000 COVID-related deaths in the US alone. …and the death of my mother 2 weeks before the Shutdown. As an empath, there was a time when all of this would have overwhelmed me emotionally and rendered me feeling helpless and hopeless. Oddly, these last 18 months have had just the opposite effect on me, and on Claudia as well.

We reflect on the efficacy of the choices we have made, the plans we have implemented and the processes we have created. It is a time to connect the dots, notice what we have learned and tune in to gratitude at a deeper level. And while there are so many things for which we are both grateful this year, there are three, in particular, that relate to our Kinder World of Commerce Campaign.

First, we began our campaign with a premise: there must be other locally owned businesses who deeply value kindness and integrity and consciously choose to operate their businesses in a socially responsible way. We just didn’t know who they were. Thankfully and to our sheer delight, we discovered that this is, indeed, true! Not only have we been effortlessly guided to these kinder brands, but we have several others lined up to share with you in 2022!

Second, each of the business owners we met had that warmth in their hearts and that twinkle in their eyes that let us know they had consciously chosen a life and business path of kindness, integrity and social responsibly. Right from the start, our connections felt more like friendships than “business as usual”. Our lives have been enriched by these relationships, and we are convinced that pursuing kinder brands is a sound and sustainable way to build an enduring community.

As we write this article, it is the middle of autumn, the perfect time for reflecting on this past year. With its falling leaves, the fall symbolizes change. During this time, we harvest what we have sown and retreat indoors to reconnect more deeply with ourselves and those we care about.

Third, this journey has bolstered our vision and enthusiasm for creating a Kinder World of Commerce in Santa Barbara. Both Claudia and I feel more passionate than ever about voting with our dollars by shopping locally and socially responsibly.

In last month’s interview with the owner of Market Forays, Laurence Hauben’s perspective on supporting local vendors affected me deeply. I was touched by her commitment to pay more for products sourced by local farmers, ranchers and fisherman. She does this because she values living in alignment with the seasons which translates to shopping and eating seasonally and locally. Her worldview and values reinforced for us the importance of choosing what we value over getting a good deal. I think it is safe to say that at one time or another, and probably more often than not during COVID, we have all felt the temptation to buy from Amazon, rather than purchase that same item locally, because it was cheaper and easier. Consciously choose to pay the price for goods and services that align with our values creates deep feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment for the enrichment it brings to our community.

So, with this wish for you this holiday season, we invite you to consider keeping your dollars in Santa Barbara and choosing kinder rather than Amazon brands.

If we truly value our locally owned, socially responsible businesses and want to see them thrive, let’s give them as much support as we can. If you haven’t yet watched our interviews with these kinder brands, we encourage you to take 30-40 minutes to acquaint yourself with them. We feel confident that, if you value a kinder way of doing commerce, these interviews will open your hearts and leave you feeling inspired about the positive role business can play in our community. And remember: the added value these kinder brands provide can be viscerally felt by you and the beneficiaries of your gifts as peace, gratitude, wellness, and guilt-free fulfillment.

So here are some gift ideas for your consideration:

  • Plow to Porch: 1-12 month gift certificate for the home delivery of organic produce, grass-fed beef and/or sustainably harvested seafood. Contact: [email protected] or (805) 705-4786
  • Estetica Mia: Gift certificates for a facial, pedicure, manicure, a virtual group spa party or the best massage in town with Sylvia! Contact: [email protected] or (805) 770-2117
  • Market Forays: An individual gift certificate to experience a half-day Market Foray, or put together your own group of 4-8! Contact: [email protected] or (805) 259-7229

Your favorite restaurants: The winter is particularly hard on them so buying gift certificates helps them get through the cooler, rainy season.

Our community non-profits: They need our help now more than ever. Consider making donations in honor or in memory of your family and friends. This is a way to deepen your experience of giving while honoring a loved one and helping those who need it most.

We love talking about kinder brands and a Kinder World of Commerce, so feel free to reach out to us. I can be reached at [email protected] / (805) 689-1300 and Claudia at [email protected] / (805) 698-2358. Or follow our Community Matters column on Instagram @monicalenchesrealestate.


Monica & Claudia

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Bringing together a team of trusted advisors with passion, dedication, and resources to create an elevated and impactful real estate experience.

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