What Does a New Dawn Have to do With Vision?
Each month as I’m preparing to write the “Vision Matters” article for my newsletter, I ask myself “what would be relevant and meaningful to my readers? What would enrich or enhance their lives in some uplifting way?” And as I was reading a book last week that I found at my mom’s home, on impulse, I flipped to the last page and noticed something that astounded me. There was a poem – the poem – I had used under my senior high school portrait over 35 years ago. The reason this astounds me is because I never knew who had written it – no one around me at that time knew who had written it. So I just attributed “Anonymous” to the author. Even more remarkable is that my mom acquired this book a year after my high school graduation! And I only found this book in her home after she passed away last year. Then I realized that this was the relevant topic I had been asking for.
This poem is not only relevant to the dawn of each new day but to the dawn of our upcoming new year!
It also seems to have foreshadowed something that would become an integral part of my life and business: the importance of having a vision and making each day matter.
Salutation to the Dawn
By Sanskrit, attributed to Kālidāsa
Look to this day for it is Life,
the very Life of Life,
In its brief course lie all the verities
and realities of our existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
the Splendor of Beauty;
For yesterday is but a dream
and tomorrow only a vision,
But today well lived makes every
Yesterday a Dream of Happiness and
Every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
So look well therefore to this day!
Such is the salutation to the dawn.
So as you reflect on your life vision for 2022, start by connecting with your values. Make a list of 5 or 6 that you deeply relate to and strive to live by. Then create dreams and goals that are in alignment with those values. The key here is alignment. When you experience internal alignment, there is a resonance that is at once quiet and peaceful and exciting and energizing. It’s so much easier to manifest what you want when you are not at odds with yourself. The uplifting emotions you experience from being in alignment with yourself fuel the manifesting process. It is during times like these that great ideas, inspirations and messages surface from within, and magic, synchronicities and miracles happen…which are nothing more than demonstrations of what is going on within.
And If you don’t know how to go about reaching those goals, don’t hesitate to reach out for support and/or help to ensure that you have everything you need to turn your dreams into your reality. Everyone I know who is living the life they desire with the people they prefer and doing work they enjoy, have some sort of professional support system in place. The best sources I know are life coaches, business consultants and therapists. Sometimes the greatest obstacles are within and once you clear those, sky’s the limit!
So here’s to an inspiring, successful and joyous 2022!
And in the meantime, I wish you good health and Happy Holidays!