You’ve Visioned, Planned and Launched.
What Comes Next May Surprise You!
As discussed in previous articles, Steps 1 through 4 of the Total Real Estate Experience focus on the practical side of manifesting your vision. Step 5 is where it all starts to come together, and we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor. We call this step Unfolding. Unfolding is grace in motion. And in order for unfolding to happen, there are two intangibles that must be present: the belief that you can have what you want and the trust that you and your team can successfully co-create it.
As one of my teacher’s, Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott, likes to say “Trust your choices [and your team], and all things are possible.” If you do not trust yourself and your team, doubt and second guessing will riddle your experience and make it feel like an uphill battle.
From time to time, I encounter a client who is on board for the visioning and the comprehensive planning, but there is a gap in their belief that they can manifest what they want. When clients are convinced that they cannot have what they want, i.e. “because there’s no inventory”, or “we’ll be priced out of the market”, their belief or fear often becomes their reality. As the adage goes, “Be careful what you wish for [or believe in], you might just get it!” Having said that, beliefs can be changed and transformed into new, more life affirming ones like “It’s a fact that inventory is limited but it is not the truth. The truth is that there are always sellers selling, and the right fit home for me is on its way to the market!” I am always humbled and honored when a client allows me to support them in letting go of a belief that no longer serves them, replacing it with a more empowering one that allows them to manifest what they want.
When clients whole-heartedly believe that what they want is possible, their process unfolds in a way that is in alignment with those beliefs and results in an easier real estate experience. It’s a mysterious process, for sure, but it’s one of those spiritual laws in action that I have witnessed over and over again. Needless to say, I am a believer!
The most inspiring visions and best laid plans can be challenged if any one of these steps is lacking in some way. For example, if your vision isn’t clear enough, it may take longer than necessary to find your dream home.
Or if the plan is incomplete, you may find yourself scrambling during escrow to figure things out, like how to hold title — something that could have easily been addressed prior to starting the house hunt. However, even if such challenges arise, they don’t have to be experienced as a negative, especially if you embrace them as an opportunity to grow and learn. If you are able to reframe it in this way, you will be able to transform challenges or problems into valuable lessons, which will leave you feeling empowered, enriched and assured that you are on your own right path.
Another way of understanding the process of unfolding is to look at its opposite. In the absence of unfolding, there is pushing, forcing, trying too hard and a lot of drama. The main difference between these two approaches is that unfolding has an element of allowing Life/God/Universal energy to meet us halfway once we’ve done our practical human part. And when all of these elements align, there is magic, fulfillment, satisfaction and gratitude…but more about gratitude in next month’s edition of Vision Matters. Stay tuned!