April 2021 | Issue No. 1

April 2021 | Issue No. 1

How Does Having a Vision Radically Transform Your Real Estate Experience?

Yesterday is but a dream tomorrow only a vision but today well live makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

This was my senior quote in our 1986 High School yearbook. Little did I know then that having a vision would become such an important part of my life and my work. After twenty plus years of practicing life coaching and living life as a coach in my own life, I realized just how vital having a vision for everything is. Whether it’s a vision for your personal life, your relationships, a vacation or buying a home, it all starts with a vision.

Clarity of vision is like a magnet: it attracts to you exactly what you want in record time! Honestly, it is the closest thing to experiencing what I believe is meant by magic. Lack of vision or even a fuzzy vision creates stress, uncertainty and confusion. So why not invest a little time into reflecting on what you really want? God, the Universe, Life, your higher Self, whatever you call it, will reward you handsomely!

At Monica Lenches Lifestyle Properties we are committed to supporting you in going for what you want because we believe you can have it all. And while it all starts with a vision, it does not end there. Our proven Visioning Process is a strategic path for realizing your dreams. It involves six specific steps:

  1. Vision: It starts with a vision.
  2. Plan: It requires specificity and a strategy.
  3. Support: It takes a village.
  4. Implementation: It requires action.
  5. Realization: It all starts to unfold.
  6. Gratitude: It ends with a legacy.

Stay tuned for next month’s Vision Matters column as we delve into these individual steps and explore the power of our Visioning Process.

And remember, it starts with vision and ends with legacy. 

To your happiness and success!

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Bringing together a team of trusted advisors with passion, dedication, and resources to create an elevated and impactful real estate experience.

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