June 2023 | Issue No. 27

June 2023 | Issue No. 27

How Does Summer Solstice Support Self-Reflection?

Four years ago, my dear friend, Claudia Rucker, and I participated in a workshop called “Super Manifesting Through the Seasons.” It was led by Madeleine Marentette, a remarkable woman I had met in Canada a few months earlier while on vacation at Grail Springs, her beautiful 100 acre retreat center on a lake. I was so inspired by her worldview and unique methodology to personal growth that a small group of us managed to convince her to come to Santa Barbara and share her workshop with us. While I was very intrigued by her teachings, Claudia was over the moon inspired and quickly embraced her approach, making it an integral part of her life! In short, Madeline’s worldview is that by aligning ourselves and our lives with the specific energies and processes of the seasons, we can create more harmony, flow, and magic not only in our personal and professional lives but throughout the world.
Aligning ourselves intentionally with the seasons requires that we take the time to reflect regularly and harness the insights, lessons and accomplishments that have marked our journey. In so doing, we are able to observe and perceive, notice what is happening, make connections, adjust and adapt, witness our lives unfolding and appreciate the strides we are making in service of our vision and goals.
To this end, we have created a quarterly and year-end reflection practice that supports us in making clear, empowered choices. This allows us to stay true to our stated goals and objectives while providing the flexibility to make adjustments as new opportunities and information arise.
On the heels of summer solstice, we would like to share our process with you. For those who have embraced a life aligned with the seasons, we offer you a more in-depth reflection process. And for those interested in a more general practice of reflection, we offer an abridged version.



  1. What are three key lessons you’ve learned this spring?

  2. What are some of the most joyful moments of these last few months?

  3. What actions have you taken this spring towards achieving your goals?

  4. What new skills and/or knowledge did you cultivate to support your goals?

  5. What partnerships did you cultivate this spring that will support your goals?

Visioning & Aligning with the Summer:

  1. What goals do you want to achieve this summer that will move you closer to your one-year vision?

  2. What can you do this summer to rest, restore and reset your soul?

  3. As you move through the summer, what practices and/or rituals will allow you to stay connected to your vision and continue dreaming?
And for those of you who would like to take a deeper dive into yourselves and support or start aligning with the seasons, consider setting aside an hour or two for this self-reflection process. Then create a nurturing space by lighting a candle and dropping into that quiet place within that is longing to sit with you for a little while longer to hear the deeper stirrings of your heart.



  1. What areas of your business and personal life did you tend to or take care of during the spring?

  2. What was the outcome of paying attention to these areas?

  3. How do these outcomes relate or connect to each other?

  4. In what ways do these outcomes demonstrate that your dreams and your vision are starting to take root?

  5. What new skills and/or knowledge did you cultivate to support your goals?

  6. What partnerships did you cultivate this spring that will support your goals?

  7. How did you adjust and adapt your plans as opportunities emerged?

  8. What synchronicities, magic or miracles have occurred?

  9. During this time of harvest, what is happening right now that reassures you that you are on track with your vision and goals?

  10. In your business and your personal life, what is not working? What changes can you make in those areas that will allow you to feel calmer, more relaxed, happier and/or supported?

Visioning & Aligning with the Summer:

  1. What goals do you want to achieve this summer that will move you closer to your one-year vision?

  2. What can you do this summer to support your ability to let go and trust your process?

  3. As you move through the summer, what practices and/or rituals will allow you to stay connected to your vision and continue dreaming?

  4. What activities pique your curiosity and sense of adventure?

  5. What can you do this summer to rest, restore and reset your soul?

  6. In preparation for September – a time of magnetism and reception – what practices allow you to open yourself up to receiving and feeling the benefits of what you have created, i.e. reaping what you have sown?

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